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IROS 2014 Human-Robot Interaction II & Robot Learning III
IROS 2014 Human-Robot Interaction III & Grasp Learning
IROS 2014 Humanoids and Bipeds II & Domestic and Interactive Robots
IROS 2014 - Oliver Brock - Grasping and Manipulation by Humans and by Robots
Demonstration of human robot interaction at the IROS 2011 exhibition
IROS 2014 Surgical Robotics II & Teleoperation and Telerobotics
IROS 2014 - Alin Albu Schaeffer - Robots for Interaction with Humans and Unknown Environments
IROS 2014 Learning by Demonstration & Industrial and Manufacturing Robots
IROS 2014 Reasoning and AI Planning & Path and Task Planning
Living with Robots - Prof Gentiane Venture - IROS 2019
Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction: evaluating in real-time the severity of possible collisions
IROS 2014 Collision Detection and Avoidance & Sensing II